Blog 2 
(Watch RAUL CUERO’s interview about Creativity and post your comments on your blog on how can you apply these concepts to your everyday life.)

Immediately from the start of the video there is already great advice that one can take to apply to everyday life. To over come any kind of odds you can use creativity, hard work, and invention. Out of hard times some of the best things of sprung up whether it be an invention or work of art. They were inspired by their hardship and pushed through to make something better.

I grew up in pretty poor living in homeless shelters and the foster system so his interview hit pretty close to home. I could only ever rely on myself and push myself to not end up like my family and make something of myself. It's because of how I grew up that my first lessen was to not let things get me down and it could always get worse if I just gave up.

Because of my hard work and push to make something for myself I've become the first person in my family in four generations to graduate high school and the first in more than four generations to even reach college all on my own. Working hard paying my own way and creating my own path. I constantly make sure to keep myself motivated whether it be in work or in my Digital Arts degree because it is so easy to put it to the side and do it later.

Now I may not have made a great invention like Raul but from my point of view I'm doing pretty darn good looking back where I've come from.

Link to the video below:


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