Illistrator mesh project. We were supposed to map out an object we owned and add mesh points(a grid system) to light and dark areas and color match them as well to help build an image.

The easiest part is tracing(outlining) the object that way you can be more precise in your mesh of the item.
The hardest part I found was doing big shaped, it ended up to jumbled in the end. So I had to break the luck cat down into separate pieces(the head, both arms, both legs, the rock and his chest). Iside of each of those areas is there was an object even his toes had to be traced or it would just look like a blob of color.
On his head I had a bit of trouble;e with the mesh. However, I think it looks alright if you squint.

Out of everything by far the hardest part was that I chose a shinny object because no matter what I could never color match it completely in the time I had since I would have to practically go by each speck of glitter that is on him.

It was definitely a fun learning experience.


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